Coming in 2022: GAG REFLEX

2005. Lucy shambles through the last weeks of her senior year of high school, jonesing for a thinner body, desperate to connect with another human. Who is reflected back at her when she is sleeping with someone, when she is puking into the toilet bowl? Who is reflected back when she's alone? Only the internet knows, where she muses on the concept of her "self" through her Livejournal, with a cadre of online friends who are definitely NOT pro-anorexic. Everyone's sick here, but at least they understand.
Early Press for GAG REFLEX
"I urge people to read this book."
--Punk Noir Magazine
Interview at Feral Dove
Interview at Salt Lake Dirt
Coming to the UK in 2022: NUDES

Coming in 2023: DELIVER ME

Animals Eat Each Other
Reviews and PraiseDubbed a 2018 Debut Writer To Watch by Publishers Weekly "If there's anything to be said about Elle Nash's Animals Eat Each Other (Dzanc, Apr.), it's that it does not shy away from darkness." -Daniel Lefferts, Publishers Weekly "Nash writes with psychological precision, capturing Lilith's volatile shifts between directionless frustration, self-destructiveness, ambivalence, and vulnerable need. A complex, impressive exploration of obsession and desire." -Publishers Weekly starred review "A scintillating work of literary erotica...the way [Lilith] elucidates and wrestles with her sexuality and identity is perceptive and raw."-Book Riot "The first page of Animals Eat Each Other knocked me on my ass...Elle writes with an incredible amount of intensity and emotional honesty and, damn it, just read this book." -Rob Hart, author of The Warehouse and Paradox Hotel "Electric, sensual, and brutally human, Nash explores the boundaries (or lack thereof) when it comes to sexual desire. It is an exquisitely crafted work where every sentence feels so important, so real that it stings the skin. ... A supremely gripping work....a remarkable novel that crackles from beginning to end." -Medium "Raw, moving, and utterly original." -Popsugar "An unsettling work in the tradition of books delving into the emotionally ragged connections that form in the least likely places." -Vol. 1 Brooklyn "Nash is an acute observer of human appetites, and Animals Eat Each Other establishes her as a voice on the rise." -The Masters Review "A mélange of sex and violence and drug use and teenage ennui . . . a devastating first book." -The Fanzine "A hair-raising tale of sex and drugs and self-harm and self-hatred well outside the safe boundaries of New York Lit" -3 AM "Elle Nash's Animals East Each Other is a desire map, a cartography of eros. Two women and a man weave their contradictions and obsessions and aches into one another until names, bodies, and selves dissolve and reconstitute in ways they could not have imagined. Mirrorings, doublings, triplings, and reproductions bring the right questions to the surface: who are we when we enter into love stories? Does anyone know? A heartbomb." -Lidia Yuknavitch, author of The Book of Joan "A savage, nuanced dive into the dynamics of queer sexuality, love and anti-love, jealousy, sadomasochism, Satanism, and everything else caught in the fray of a woman’s self-abandonment. Nash's subtly spare prose renders matter-of-fact what we’re so often afraid to articulate to ourselves, let alone to the people we give ourselves over to." -Sarah Gerard, author of Sunshine State "Animals Eat Each Other reminds me of the '80s, with its Satanism and menage a trois teen lifestyle and atheism in the face of mass Christianity. Elle Nash has written a novel you can't put down, even if the Satanic Bible or a deck of Tarot cards is within your reach." -Elizabeth Ellen, author of Person/a "If Holden Caulfield was the face of adolescence during Salinger's era, then Nash's Lilith represents the face of today's youth as they struggle to come-of-age in a world where people are increasingly more and more alienated... Nash does not flinch when she captures the realities she has chosen as her subject: This is a portrait of addiction. This is the story of a girl caught in a particular purgatory between high school and adulthood...we have to look, even if and when some of us will undoubtedly see ourselves looking back." -Sarah Elizabeth Schantz, author of Fig "Strands of emotional confusion and self-loathing run through Animals Eat Each Other, and Nash writes brilliantly and viscerally about the connections between physical and emotional intimacy. There is a superbly tactile flow to her beautiful, stripped-down prose that absolutely sucks the reader in, making this a disturbing and deeply moving piece of modern storytelling. Brilliant stuff." -Doug Johnstone, The Big Issue Interviews
- With Jon Perry and Liz Ayre on Selected Prose
- With Kyle Williams at Full Stop Magazine
- With Emma Clarendon on Love London Love Culture
- The Riff Raff Review with Amy Baker
- Little Atoms Podcast
- With Kristen Felicetti, The Bushwick Review
- Boundless Lit on the Chemistry of Human Relationships
- On Radio Gorgeous with Donna Freeman
- With Jo Good, on BBC Radio London
- With Joe Kamm, on Zero Point Fiction
- Elle Nash on Novel Kicks UK
- Leza Cantoral, Get Lit with Leza, March 19 2019
- With Bob Freville, Silent Motorist
- J. David Osborne, the JDO Show, Episode 109
- Kody Ford and Dillon Doom, The Idle Class Podcast
- Tobias Carrol, Volume 1 Brooklyn
- Nicholas Rys, The Fanzine
- Lauren Grabowski, Hobart Pulp
- J. David Osborne, The JDO Show, Episode 74
- Leza Cantoral, Get Lit With Leza, July 18 2017
- Brian Alan Ellis, Clash Media
- Katie Clark, Vagabond City Lit

Reviews and PraiseOn Lit Hub's Most Anticipated Books of 2021 #2 On SPD's Best-Seller List for June-July

- Agency Over Everything: with Danielle Chelosky at The Rumpus
- Real Life is Dangerous All The Time: With Gauraa Shekhar at Maudlin House
- Interview with Kyle Williams at Full Stop Magazine
- Some Sort of Obscene Concept: Interview with Michael Seidlinger at Publisher's Weekly
- Released from Suffering: Interview by Shy Watson at BOMB Magazine
- Snapshots of Grit: Elle Nash Interviewed at the Millions by J.C. Hallman
- On Creating a Place Outside Your Every Day: Elle Nash Interviewed at The Creative Independent by Sophie Kemp

I Can Remember The Meaning Of Every Tarot Card But I Can't Remember What I Texted You Last Night
Reviews and Praise"The poems in this chapbook are those of a witch, a warrior, a wolf, a goddess with claws. Elle Nash is able to balance the hilarious and tragic, the heartbreaking and the furious. She will slay you, and you will love her for it." -Juliet Escoria, Witch Hunt (Lazy Fascist Press) "Elle Nash's 'I Can Remember the Meaning of Every Tarot Card But I Can't Remember What I Texted You Last Night' is a winner of Nostrovia! Press' 2016 N.Y.C. Chapbook Series for reasons written not in stars but in sweat on tangled bedsheets, in the crushed spaces of apartments and the expanse of memory, nostalgia, bitterness, and grief. Refracted to us through the lens of the tarot, the poems here are both mythology and autobiography, legend and confession-it is impossible to read them without wondering precisely whose hot entrails are spread out during this divination, and whether the truths being whispered in the dark are the author's, the world's, or one's own." –Sonya Vatomksy, Salt is For Curing (Sator Press) "this moon doesn't remember the first night she met me & i understand. there were so many other things going on, but for some reason i couldn't forget it. the lake was there, laughing as always. her ripples wouldn't stop shaking her surface & all the moon could do was reflect. it was spring & there were still christmas lights hanging from houses hidden in the trees. this moon peels off a few rocks from her skin & we skip them until the lake breaks down crying. we run. after catching her breath, this moon says, i don't remember the last time i missed you." -Probably Crying Review "Identities are everything. A person can find many identities which suit them ideally. No one is limited. Possibilities are endless. The animalistic instincts of a person never subside they are there to all degrees. Consumption happens in a consumerist society: of art of leisure of love." -Beach Sloth Interviews

Other Ppl With Brad Listi

Death / Sentence Podcast